lunes, 20 de septiembre de 2010




Misconceptions about Human Rights and Women's Rights in Islam (Syed, 2008)

To clarify the current misconceptions about the Islamic faith and issues of human rights and women's rights in the West.
What does the Islamic faith has to be with Women’s Rights?
Speaking Truth to Power: Women's Rights as Human Rights (Crocco, 2008)

To consider the treatment of women's rights as human rights in the social studies.
Does the women’s rights are the same just as the universal Human Rights?
Women, Human Rights, and Counseling: Crossing International Boundaries (Chung, 2007)

To examine, from an international perspective, the role of professional counselors in the context of working with women both in the U.S. and internationally
What are the obstacles and the issues with crossing international boundaries to the women?
What are the problems that women have when asking for a job?

The research topic of my team is about human rights, more specifically, the rights of women. We know it's a fairly broad topic and there are many investigations already made, that is why we have given the task of searching for various investigations (in this case in various journals) in which we found both similarities and differences between them; taking whatever could serve us and disposal we do not need.
Among the journals that I found, I noticed several similarities, such as the three talked about the rights of women, but this is a field so large that each one, gradually specifying a certain theme, for example rights of women at work or when they are working, others in the rights of women but in a geographic area.
Below is a summary of each, their similarities and differences.
In the first journal: “Misconceptions about Human Rights and Women's Rights in Islam (Syed, 2008)” we can notice that the main objective of the author when writing this article is to clarify the current misconceptions about the Islamic faith and issues of human rights and women's rights in the West; now a days, the Islamic people are known as a people who violate women’s rights and doesn’t care about women.
There are three misconceptions about the Islamic faith and issues; the first one is that Muslims are terrorists because they believe in Jihad. It is factually the case that Islamic teachings stress the value of peace and prosperity for all human beings. The second misconception is that Muslims prohibit scientific knowledge and only aim to seek religious knowledge. To the contrary, Qur'an emphasizes that the opportunity to seek all forms of knowledge is a human right and responsibility of all Muslims. The third misconception and perhaps, the most controversial, is that Islam oppresses women. And maybe this is the most important misconception, because if you heard the word “Islam” you automatically think about oppressing women and violate their rights.
In reality, Islam offers women the right to make their own choices in the areas of education, business, and property, to name a few. To me it was very interesting that the author is a Canadian citizen who converted to Islam and talks about her life and her experience about converting to Islam and knowing the rights the women have. She used a qualitative method because she used her experience to write about Islam and the women rights, it was like an empiric method (based on the experience).
The second journal that I’ve founded was “Speaking Truth to Power: Women's Rights as Human Rights” and it took my attention that the author discusses the role of the United Nations in promoting women's rights since the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948. She also reviews the treatment of women's rights within social studies curriculum today through a review of the curriculum guidelines of each U.S. state. The author calls for greater attention to placing the study of the world's women into a human rights framework within social studies curricula across the United States. She used a qualitative method and compared all the women’s rights and the universal human rights that we already know.
In the third journal: “Women, Human Rights, and Counseling: Crossing International Boundaries”, I could find in the abstract that “The fast-paced movement of globalization has affected all walks of life including professional counselors.” We can say that as the world becomes more accessible, increased instances of social injustice on a global scale have become more apparent, with women and children being especially identified as victims of social injustice and human rights violations. The social injustice now a day is too much and sometimes it grows with the globalization and our planet.
The people can no longer ignore this situation of injustice and should try to use strategies to avoid them. And that’s why “the aim of the article is threefold: to heighten awareness and understanding of the interrelationship of global women's issues within the profession of counseling, especially as it relates to women, social justice, and human rights; to advocate for professional counselors to be actively involved in working with women internationally; and to discuss the challenges in working on a global level. Thus, the article targets both the work that a professional counselor would do internationally and working with international populations within one's home country.”1
In this journal, the author touches on topics such as problems and obstacles that women have to get a job. I believe that the three journals that I found very interesting, but for the development of our theme "Women's rights," only the first (and in some very specific case the second) can serve us for investigation. I also consider to give some focus to our theme, to search for something more specific in order to know what we will talk about and so well that we will be as clear as possible.
Chung, R. C.-Y. (Junio de 2007). Obtenido de Web site: ERIC (Education Resources Information Center):

Crocco, M. S. (2008). Obtenido de Web site: ERIC (Education Resources Information Center):

Syed, K. T. (2008). Obtenido de Web site: ERIC (Education Resources Information Center):

4 comentarios:

  1. hola divina!! tu tambien no tienes puesto tu tema nuevo... ponganlo please.. creo que si cual es su tema.. pero cuales son sus preguntas de investigacion?? o porque van a investigar de eso?? en relacion a que? please diganme por si les puedo dar sugerencias .. sii??

  2. I do not know what´s your investigation theme, please can you tell me which is ? so i can give my opinion obout it.

  3. es muy importante el tema que esta tratando, debemos tomar en cuenta tambien que en ciudades de africa las muejres son maltratadas y no son reconocidos su derechos.

  4. no encuentro el tema de tu investigacion podrias ecirme cual es? gracias!
